Hello Rockville Moose members and friends,

Great crowd again at line dancing last Wednesday. Don’t miss out this week! Open to all.

Cash BINGO! is about two weeks away on Friday February 7th.. Make sure you attend and bring some friends. The more players, the higher the game winnings and final jackpot.

We have lots of exciting events happening over the next few months:
Weekly Line Dancing every Wednesday at 7 pm

Membership Meeting – Wednesday February 5th at 8:30 pm. Your voice counts.

Cash BINGO! Friday, February 7th – The 1st Friday night of each month starting at 7 pm. Get there early for food and drinks and to find your lucky seats! $300 minimum final jackpot. Tons of fun!

Superbowl Party – Feb 9th – Must purchase tickets in advance to attend. All you can eat & drink. Watch on large screen projector tv plus multiple tvs in the social quarters.
Valentines Dance & Live band Friday February 14th – Open to members, guests and the public – see below for details

Please “Like” both of our Facebook pages to stay up on current Lodge happenings:

We hope you can join us. Please spread the word to your family and friends.

For more information on any event: email the lodge at info@rockvillemoose.com

Events calendar: https://www.rockvillemoose.com/events/